Suffering for the Sake of Righteousness (Matt. 5:1-12)

“The church does not become good because we have some capable members, some powerful members, some influential members, some rich members, or some accomplished members. No. What should a church glorify in? It should glorify in the suffering of Christ, the body that suffers for the sake of Christ, the life of the martyrs. What a church glorifies in, who it glorifies in, what kind life it glorifies in, will demonstrate whether it is a faithful church that is filled with longing for the end times.”

Wang Yi, Pastor, Early Rain Covenant Church, Chengdu, China (arrested and in state custody since December, 2018) 

Beatitudes of Engagement (Matthew 5:1-12)

The Merciful:
“[those] who come to the aid of others” —
St. Augustine

“[those] who are not only prepared to put up with their own troubles but who also take on other people’s troubles.” — John Calvin

“The Gospel Merciful are the understanding; those who under-stand; those who put themselves under others to support them.” — Frederick Dale Bruner