Enter the Wilderness (1 Samuel 23)

Wilderness (noun)

1a - (1): a tract or region uncultivated and uninhabited by human beings
(2): an area essentially undisturbed by human activity together with its naturally developed life community
b: an empty or pathless area or region: “in remote wildernesses of space groups of nebulae are found” — G. W. Gray 1960
c: a part of a garden devoted to wild growth

2 obsolete: wild or uncultivated state

— Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Paul's Words of Encouragement (Acts 13:13-52)

“The highest of all of God’s commands is this: that we ever hold up before our eyes the image of his dear Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. He must daily be to our hearts the perfect mirror, in which we behold how much God loves us and how well, in his infinite goodness, as a faithful God, he has grandly cared for us in that he gave his dear Son for us. Do not let this mirror and throne of grace be torn away from before your eyes.”

—Martin Luther, Letters of Spiritual Counsel